Awin - How do I view Product/SKU data?

An update was made to the Awin integration on 11-14-2021, which allows any Brand that uses Product Level Tracking (Awin feature) to pull Product Data into Affluent

Note: Product Level Tracking (PLT) is a feature offered by Awin and it is required to view Product/SKU data in Affluent. If your Brand doesn't use PLT and you would like to implement it, we recommend reaching out to your Awin contact for guidance.

If your Awin connection was created after 11-14-2021 AND your brand has Product Level Tracking implemented:

Here's what the following categories in Affluent will show you:
  •  "Category" will show you all of the categories recorded by Awin.
  • "Category List" will show you all of the commission group codes recorded by Awin.
  • "Product Name" will show you the names of each product recorded by Awin.

If your Awin connection was created before 11-14-2021 and you want to view Product Data:

Note: You can only view Product Data in Affluent if your brand has Product Level Tracking (an Awin feature) implemented, otherwise you will just see commission group data.

If your brand uses PLT and you want to view product data in Affluent, then all you need to do is

  1. Head to the Brand Manager
  2. Select the Brand you want to apply this update to
  3. Disconnect the Awin connection(s)
  4. Delete the connection(s) 
  5. Re-connect using your Awin credentials

Please note that when you re-connect it may take a few hours up to a few days to regain all of your historical data.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to with your query.