Not all brands run their calendar from January 1st to December 31st. Some brands use fiscal calendars for reporting. Affluent allows you to view and report on data using any type of calendar.
To enable fiscal year calendars, go to the Brand Manager, select a brand and then click "Reporting Settings". In "Reporting Settings," scroll down and switch from "Calendar Year" (the default) to "Fiscal Year". Now, you will need to upload a CSV with the details of that brand's fiscal calendar.
How to Upload a Fiscal Calendar
Download and fill in the fiscal calendar template. For each month in the year, include the year, quarter, month, start date for that month, and end date for that month. Save the file as a CSV. Click "Upload Fiscal Calendar Year" in Affluent, then select and upload the file.
There are a number of rules you will need to ensure are follow to upload a fiscal calendar:
- No two months can contain overlapping dates
- There must be 12 months in each year
- The calendar should be sorted from oldest to newest month
Editing a Fiscal Calendar
You cannot edit or add new dates to a fiscal calendar year file. To make changes, upload a new file. That calendar will override any existing one.
Viewing Brands with a Fiscal Calendar
Once you enable fiscal year and upload the dates, wherever in Affluent you are viewing this brand, Affluent will show the fiscal calendar year. The toolbar in the top right hand corner of Affluent displays the settings you are currently viewing.
For example if you are looking at the Brand Overview for a brand using a fiscal calendar, with Tuesday as the first day of the week, reporting in GBP, the toolbar will display this:

The fiscal calendar will also be applied if you are viewing a report or dashboard which is filtered to show a with an uploaded fiscal calendar. If there are multiple, conflicting brands in the report or dashboard, the calendar will revert to your overall account setting.
Fiscal Calendar Date Range Limitation
If you use a fiscal year calendar for a particular brand, you will not be able to view dates outside the range included in the fiscal calendar. For example, if you upload a fiscal calendar that covers 2016, 2017, and 2018, you won't be able to see performance for 2015.