Levanta - Connecting your account

See all your Levanta program’s data, including clicks, sales, revenue, commission and more, in Affluent using the account’s API Key.

Finding the API Key

  1. Log in to the Brand's Levanta account.
  2. Head to the navigation menu, click "Settings" and select "API".
  3. Copy and paste the API Key into your Affluent account.

Connecting a Levanta account

  1. Head to the brand manager, select a brand, and then select the "Levanta" integration.
  2. Enter the API Key (instructions above).
  3. Select the default reporting Currency.
  4. Enter an account nickname (optional).
  5. Click ‘Connect’.


  • It may take as long as an hour to start seeing data appear and several days before all your historical data is collected.
  • Levanta has recently updated how they define clicks. Affluent 'Clicks' is the 'Detail Page Clicks' in Levanta. Please see updated clicks definition from Levanta: 
    •  Clicks: The raw click throughs on any link associated with an ASIN.
    • Detail Page Views: Previously displaying for clicks. It includes both raw clicks to a product page, and any clicks to a product that take place after an initial click through.