Information that will be available to you whilst using the Link Scanner
Page scanned - The URL of the page that was scanned.
- Brand Domain - The domain of the brand's website.
- Network - The Platform/Network associated with the affiliate link.
Anchor text - The anchor text of the original link, i.e. the visible, clickable, text in a hyperlink.
Affiliate links - The affiliate links that were detected.
Non-Affiliate links - The non-affiliate links that were detected.
Relative position (1st link, 2nd link, and so on) of the affiliate link on a given page - The relative position of the link on the page.
Link Status
OK - success/link is in working order
404 - not found/broken link
OOS (Out Of Stock)
Product information (when available)
Retailer Domain - The brand's domain.
Product Name - The name of the product that was found.
Product Description - The description of the product.
Product Category - The category of the product.
Price - The price of the product.
SKU/ASIN of product - SKU of the product.
Product Image - Image URL of the product.
Key Metrics
Total Links - Total number of links found
Affiliate Links - Total number of affiliate links found
Total number of networks found
Broken Links - Total number of broken links - Links with a 404 status
OOS Links - Total number of OOS (Out Of Stock) links - Links with an OOS status
Brand SOV (Share Of Voice) → The proportion of links belonging to each specific Brand found as compared to the total number of links found
Network SOV (Share Of Voice) → The proportion of the links belonging to each specific Network as compared to the total number of links found