Contact Manager - Organizations & Contacts

You can use the Contact Manager to view all of the Organizations that you have a relationship with, as well as managing the contacts that are associated with those Organizations

Viewing Organizations

The Organizations page can be accessed by clicking on "Contact Manager" button on the side bar, located under Settings:

This will take you to a page where you will see all of the Organizations that you have a relationship with, whether it is a Network/Platform, a Brand, or a Publisher.

You can use the tabs at the top of the page to view a filtered list of all the Organizations, split by Network, Brands, and Publishers.

Creating Groups of Organizations

On the Organizations pages, you will notice that there is a button "+ New Group".  You can click this button to create a new group of Organizations. 

To add any Organization to a group, click the checkbox next to the Organization(s) that you would like to group, then click the Actions drop-down, select "Add organisations to...", and then select the group that you'd like to assign the Organization to. 

Managing Contacts

Viewing Contacts

If you click on any Organization within the Contact Manager, it will take you to the details and contacts page for that Organization, where you can view the details for the Organization on the left hand side, and all of the Contacts for the Organization within the Contacts table:

To Add a new Contact, select the "+ Add Contact" button in the top right of the Contacts table and you will be presented with the following pop-up, which will require you to populate details for the new contact.

Hitting save will update the list of contacts in the Contact Manager for that Organization:

Edit Contacts

If you wish to edit any of the details for that contact, you can simply hit the edit icon () next to any of the fields and then hit enter once you've entered the new value.


Adding or Editing contacts will not only update the list of Contacts in the Contact Manager, but it will also update the Contact details in the quick view for the Organization (more details on the quick view here):