Brand Settings

This article reviews Brand Settings.  For Reporting Settings click here

To set or edit the brand settings for a brand, navigate to that brand in the Brand Manager, select it, and click on "Brand Settings" on the right-hand side. 

Settings in this section will be applied to the brand and therefore affect how anyone who has access to the brand sees the data (all users with access to the account will see the brand according to these settings). You can edit the following settings for a brand under "Brand Settings": 

Brand Name 

To edit the name of brand, click the pencil icon and update the text. By clicking outside of the text box, the name will update. Changes made here will be implemented for your entire organization. 

Brand Website

Enter the name of the brand website here. It will appear on PDF reports that are downloaded.

Brand Contacts

Enter the name of the brand contact here. It will appear on PDF reports that are downloaded.

Brand Logo 

To upload a brand logo, click the upload box or drag and drop a logo into place. For more information on uploading a brand logo, read: How to Upload Brand Logos


Brand Report Colors

To assign unique colors for each brand you can use the color pickers to change the default colors. These colors will show in text and charts within Reports and Dashboards.