You have the option to either Export or Schedule Dashboards. Exporting a dashboard will download a PDF to your computer. Scheduling a report will send the report as a PDF by email according to the preset schedule.
Scheduling a Dashboard
To schedule a Dashboard you must complete both the "PDF Options" and the "PDF Schedule" in the Schedule PDF window. To open the Schedule PDF window click "Export" on the right-hand side of the dashboard and click "Schedule PDF."
PDF Options
- Select the date range for the report. This will only determine the date range for reports (within the dashboard) set to the 'default'. Preset date ranges will automatically update each time your report is sent.
- Include a title for the PDF. You may also choose to include an introductory paragraph.
- Select the currency, first day of the week and the type of calendar for the report. If you have set the brand preferences in the Brand Manager, these will automatically be applied. You can see the settings for the brand in the top right hand corner of the platform.
- Select the brand logo, if you wish to include it. If you need to upload a brand logo that is done in the Brand Manager under Settings.
- Reports can be formatted as either portrait or landscape.
PDF Schedule
Email Options
- Include a Schedule Name.
- Enter the emails of the recipients. As best practice we recommend that you cc yourself.
- You can choose to include a text that will be included in the body of the email.
Scheduling Options
- Choose the schedule of the reports. Select when the reports will be sent:
- If you select weekly you can choose which day(s) of the week for the report to be emails. You can select up to seven - making it a daily report.
- If you select monthly a drop down menu will appear to select when you want the report to be sent, every 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th and the day. For example if you want to send an update for the previous month, you can select every 1st Monday.
- If you select date, you can choose a specific date for the report to send each month e.g. if you select the 1st, the report will always be sent on the 1st independent of the day of the week.
Note about date ranges: If you select a preset date range for the PDF it will continuously update. For example if you select Year to Date, in January it will include the data for January so far, by April it will include the data for January, February, March and April.
If you select a custom date range the data included will not change. The report will always be for the date range you initially selected. For Scheduled Reporting we recommend preset date ranges as this automates the process of reporting.
How to schedule a dashboard:
When to not schedule a dashboard:
If you include any text narratives on your dashboard (such as weekly highlights with updates, etc) it is recommended not to schedule a dashboard, as this information may be outdated if you send it out on a week-to-week or recurring basis.